Friday, July 11, 2008

They Are Women and They Roar By Singing and Yelling Their Songs

Name: Cupcake Throwdown

Origin: Angel's offhand description of a past contest on Bobby Flay's television show, Throwdown! with Bobby Flay--a show involving an expert in a specific culinary arena and Mr. Flay as a challenger cooking the same recipe as the expert, and an episode in which the cupcake expert informed (according to Angel) Mr. Flay that she would defeat him; she did not.

Suggested Uses:
1. All-Female Band: This one lends itself to punk or rockabilly. It's not a straight rock band because the name implies some ironic sensibility. Cupcakes are small versions of cakes. They are frosted and fluffy and delicious and eaten at birthday parties. They are inherently innocent. Connecting this concept of a delicate celebratory treat with the word "throwdown" indicates that the members of this band are aware of how women have been viewed, at times, in the course of history (most likely but not limited to American history) and would like to juxtapose that perception with the idea of a battle or challenge. Throwdown is a sudden word, a word that indicates everything was fine and then suddenly and perhaps violently not fine. It also implies that someone made the decision to move the situation from fine to not fine by issuing a challenge, picking a fight, or rousing some rabble by throwing down the proverbial gauntlet. These cupcakes are angry cupcakes who are not afraid of getting their pretty frosting tousled in a fight.
2. Roller Derby Team: Much of the same applies. Differences would include the presence of physical violence rather than the idea or possibility of it accompanied by rebelious attitudes, and nicknames* turning pretty feminine phrases (themed around baking) on their heads to denote a more dangerous kind of lady.

*It is not unheard of, though, for the members of bands to adopt stage personas including nicknames, so this could well apply to Use #1 as well.

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